About Machine Dalal
A View into Our World of Print, Packaging & Converting.
Machine Dalal is a global platform for buyers and sellers to trade new and used equipment. The platform is dedicated to the print, packaging and converting industry.
Machine Dalal is expeditiously becoming the platform of choice for industry professionals to find machines and discover brands. Over the last few years, we have been aggregating and harmonizing data - brands, categories, sheet sizes, colors, and special features.
The print industry is spread internationally. The market and the destination are as fragmented as it comes, and therefore search as a service is critical for professionals to connect with each other.
We have leveraged technology to build a better search. As more professionals join our network, the process is improving. As we organize data according to specifications, features, categories, manufacturers, and models. A team of data engineers, analysts and system programmers are employing machine learning, NLP, and Ai to develop a veritable search engine for the industry professionals.
Machine Dalal is a tremendous distribution engine for anyone who is looking to sell their equipment. We have leveraged automation to connect with every important social media network out there including video platforms. As a seller you save a lot of time and resources. Media management becomes easier, so does distribution.
We are the most connected platform already, and we are on our way to be the most dominant in the industry.
As of now we have over 25,000 + professionals who frequent the website or the apps to look for machinery and equipment. Our newsletter subscription is growing even faster.
A whole of brands have started to show their trust in us and we have onboarded over 100+ equipment manufacturers.

Pre-owned / UsedEquipment
Used print and related machinery trade generates over a billion ($) in annual revenue. Machine Dalal helps that trade to flourish. We have a built an onboarding process that ensures that the machine specifications match the model and when the buyer searches for a specific type of equipment he finds machinery that matches his or her exact requirements.
By placing the needs of the buyer first, we have created an almost perfect onboarding experience for the seller.
Our connectivity with platforms ensures that Machine Dalal would be the only online platform where you would have to list your machinery for rapid sale.
New Machine Manufacturers
<b>For brands and manufacturers,</b> Machine Dalal is an enormous lead generation tool. Direct connectivity ensures that all prospects lead directly to the sales rep associated with the account. We have ensured a transparent and direct process for buyers and sellers to meet, and this ensures a safe and secure connectivity between the stakeholders.
The autonomous nature of Machine Dalal ensures that there is no mis-selling, upselling, or cross selling by anyone associated with the platform.
For you, we have maintained the absolute integrity of the sales process to ensure that your leads are not shared by anyone else.
As a manufacturer you also get access to marketing and distribution that has an immense global reach. The visibility shall help in the brand building process and recall value. Once indexed Machine Dalal will also ensure there is a secondary market for your equipment. This further helps in creating a stronger brand that stands the test of time.
Brand Advertising
The bigger you brand, bigger the reach you need, and bigger the competition you face. This is where a platform such as Machine Dalal help with promotion and distribution of information about latest launches, innovations, events, and equipment updates.
You can also share expert opinions, media, promotional material, and specifications through our newsletter.
Additionally, by advertising on Machine Dalal, you create a direct channel to your sales rep.
This ensures you have a greater visibility into your ROI, and you are also able to measure the impact. Machine Dalal is transparent across the board, and this frees us to focus more on technology and innovation and be open with the other processes.

Credit Facilitation & Machine Finance

This is one of our newer initiatives and it would take us a little while before we are able to establish global availability of credit, but we have made some auspicious steps. We have partnerships with four banking partners. This way depending on the need of the business and the profile of the buyer, credit can be made available.
For the domestic equipment manufacturer, credit availability would ensure improved lead conversion, quicker sales, and higher turnover.
Machine Dalal shall ensure more closing by working directly with buyers and banks.
Shipping And Logistics
The fascinating thing with the Print industry is how geographically spread it is. Our platform makes it convenient to source the equipment. After that you need shipping partners who understand the business, compliances, regulations, and teething problems that happen at customs and ports.
With the current supply chain problems, a purchased equipment stuck at the port can impose financial burden and make a wholesome business transaction quite unsavory.
Machine Dalal provides host of options for the buyer to choose from.
Seasoned professionals with experience in handling complex international shipments are just a click away.
Parts And Spares
Print Machine parts can be sourced locally and sometimes they must be imported. A lot of old machines are often sold for parts and that can be a bargain but what is missing is an effective way for sellers to share details of the parts.
This is a sort of malaise that slows down trading, induces inefficient pricing, and adds layers.
By implementing better search Machine Dalal makes it easy for buyers to locate parts and by effective use of NLP and AI parts information can be indexed properly.
Sellers gain access to advanced technology to share their inventory with the world and interested buyers find it easy to search and easier to connect with them.
Marine Insurance
Insurance is a high margin product. It is also essential to the trading process. Machine Dalal is creating provision for insurance providers to connect with buyers and traders. The more options you have, the better price discrimination can happen at your end.
True savings are achieved when consumer gets more choices and better options. The platform is actively working towards that.
International Trade Services
There are lots of slips between the cup and the lips and this adage comes to life once you have decided on the equipment, finalized the pricing, and made an offer. You need banking services for international payments. Escrow services. Taxation. Regulation. Release of funds and operational issues that unnecessarily delay completion of a well thought out machine trade and put additional financial burden on both the buyer and the seller.
A total Print platform would not be complete without providing users with critical international trade services and we are committed towards providing choices and connectivity.
Jobs/ Professionals
The world of print, packaging and converting would not be so fascinating if not for professionals who are as diverse as it comes. A print industry professional is an artist when it comes to building efficiencies, setting up equipment, repairing faults and ensuring consistent quality.
One needs people of expertise and soon professionals would be able to share and receive expertise from the platform. This seems to be the natural progression for us and we see that happening soon enough.
We had begun the magazine as a go to source for new products and launches but there is more to Print than equipment, parts, and professionals. The industry is as much about colors, typography, design, layouts, art, and a whole lot of industry.
And we shall strive to make the conversations thought provoking and in all sense of the word, colorful.

The World of Print at your Fingertips
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